Master | DDP and CD authoring

CD authoring is the process where METADATA and MUSIC get combined into a physical-optical support.

I’m preparing and verifyng the DDP Master for Harmaline’s new album “HOPE”. DDP is a reference format for delivering the output of the authoring process to a CD manufacturer / press plant / duplicator.

The “free!!” useful tool that I’m using is courtesy of Herr Andreas Ruge.

DDP Mastering for the Command line (

CD belongs to a previous era: The “golden age of Digital production” THE 80 – 90’S !

In that period of time (if you were in the right emisphere of planet earth) the working class was always happy! People was actually paying money for good music. The money were invested in fine musical production and also in prostitutes and drugs for musicians / managers / discographers.

We were really happy because human socialization was not conducted over the Internet and governments pushed the pubblic expenditure ad public debt (inflation). But…… the end was in sight. (Napster and Taxes).